Sunday, November 30, 2008

oh boy the internet!

This wonderful tool is a little more hard to come by than I expected here in Italy. Its now Nov. 30th and I am finished with my 2 weeks of work and find my self in Bologna, Italy for 2 days before heading further south and hopefully to some dry sunny weather to Florance. I have 15 minutes remaining on an hour internet card (sorry the first 45 were spent getting funds transfered, credit cards paid, and highly important emails regarding school and my next trip replied to). at 3.5 euros an hour I'll have to spare my remaining funds and wait until i find free access for more typing. Its impossible to sum up the two weeks in Campsirago and the swamp in 15 minutes. Not because of the amazing work we did or the sites we saw but because of the group of people I was with. Its hard to imagine that in 13.5 days a group of strangers can become as close as we did. It snowed about 7 inches on our last full day and another 2 or 3 the day of our departure so we could not take our van that could hold all 13 of us to the train station so we had to take the journey in groups of 3. As one of my old friends Kelly put it, it was like waiting for the excecutioner to be called for the next trip down the mountain that would ultimately finish our time as a group. Our group consisted of 3 leaders ( an italian, german, and frenchman: Simone', Nadja, and Marsial) and 10 volunteers: 3 koreans, 1 frenchman, 2 Americans (me begin one of them), a Grecian?, Russian, Mexican, and an Isreali. I was second oldest at 27, the marjority of the group was around 20 or 21. Hmmm, were am I going with this. No were i suppose but we got along marvelously and I am sad to say that the only violent outburst was from me when my french friend Arrrno was shaking me and slapping my chest while riding in the van on the day I had acquired a very very bad case of uhhhhh the hersey squirts and he would take my pleas to stop seriously ( I was definatley going to puke if he didn't) and a mis calculates gentle slap to the face became a whopper and stunned the poor guy. oooops. But I think our friendship recovered. Well I am down to 1.5 minutes before I'm kicked off. I have 4 movies and 1000 picutures thus far and will get a few of them uploaded when i get a cable that works. Bologna was nice.


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