Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quito day...no se´

One of the best parts of traveling is you get to loose track of the time: the time of day, the day of the week, when a big project is due, and best(?) of all, what you do in your normal life. Sometime during the work camp in Italy one of my friends asked me, "...so what kind of music do you like?¨. I drew a complete blank. All that came to mind was "the police" since we had been listening to that twice a day, everyday, as we traveled to and from the work site and our home. After a few minutes it hit me, that I did in fact listen to music and that I used to drive this car to and from work with some Cd's in the player.

Remembering my life back in Colorado seemed like recalling a very vivid dream where once you remembered one fact six others jumped along then 36 others and so on. So similarly, now that I'm down here in Quito, I have no idea how many days I've actually been here. However, being connected online has kept most of my memories in place, perhaps its the fact that I am in contact somewhat with people back home on facebook and I read the news and since memory is very associative I haven't forgotten what it is like to live outside of Quito like I did in Campsirago.

moving on.

The fall into the hole has turned out to be a great blessing in disguise. For one, i get to learn more Spanish, which has not come as quickly as i thought it might. I actually did not become fluent after 3 days. weird. Plus the other students here at the school are a blast to hang out with. Making plans goes like this, first, walk into the room with the computers and the INTERNET are and, second, say to who ever is in there "hey do you have plans?", "yes, come with us" or "no, what should we do" orrrr "hey, we're (insert activity here) do you want to come?" "yes". its that easy. I don't think its too much harder back home, but many times i have to use the phone or drive somewhere or other really complicated logistical items which take an extra effort that sometimes turns into me watching old episodes of Seinfeld or family guy.

The leg is healing really well. the stitches come out thursday and i plan to catch the bus to the jungle Saturday morning. Thursday night we are having a little going away partay for a few of us that are leaving the school soon. should be a grand time. Someone has found a chocolate flavored liquor at the supermarket.

Here we have Sigi, Bliss, I'm sorry I forgot a name here, Dom, Kristine, me, and Gillian (the glow here may or may not have been due to either my finger covering the flash or the angelic personality of Gillian) and the Chocolate Liquor (tasty)

And finally, some Ecuadorian pizza. its pretty good too.

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